Spring Lawn Care Services That Get Your Lawn Off To A Healthy Start For Summer

Spring lawn care gets your lawn off to a healthy start. By applying treatments in the spring, you'll get ahead of weeds while nourishing your grass. You can get spring lawn care services from a lawn care company if you don't have time to care for your lawn yourself. Plus, you may not be sure what to do. Here are some things a professional might do to give your lawn a health boost in the spring.

Clear Debris And Dethatch

All the debris in your yard needs to be picked up so the lawn care service can mow. They may prune back dead branches, pull up dead plants, rake leaves, and pick up dead twigs. Dethatching may be necessary too. Dethatching pulls up the thick mat of old lawn clippings and dead grass that blocks ventilation and encourages fungus to grow on your lawn. Dethatching can be done with a special rake or attachment that's pulled behind a mower.

Aerate Compacted Areas

Aeration can be done with tools that pull plugs out of the lawn. This creates more room for roots to spread and for fertilizer and herbicides to reach the soil. Aeration is most important in areas of your yard that get the most foot traffic and are compacted.

Seed Bare Areas

If your lawn has bald spots, the lawn care company may add seeds to fill in the space. They may also overseed your lawn, which is the practice of spreading seeds over your entire yard, even where grass is growing. The lawn care professional decides whether to spread seeds all over your lawn or just to bare spots depending on the condition of your grass, your climate, and the type of grass you're growing.

Fertilize The Grass And Adjust The Soil Acidity

Fertilizer is usually spread on the grass during the spring when the growing season starts. Fertilizer provides the nutrients your grass needs to get off to a healthy start. If there's a question about the composition of your soil, the lawn care company may take a soil sample and have it analyzed so they can choose the right amendments to add to the soil to bring it to the proper pH range for healthy grass growth.

Treat For Weeds

If only a few weeds are scattered around the lawn, the lawn care service might pull them out by hand or spray them individually. However, it's still a good idea to treat the entire lawn for weeds. A pre-emergent herbicide keeps weeds from springing up. A post-emergent herbicide kills weeds once they're visible.

Spring lawn care gets the soil and grass ready for another season of growing and mowing. Your lawn needs attention the rest of the year too, but spring is especially important since getting grass off to a healthy start means it will be lush and healthy by the time summer arrives.

Contact a professional for more information about spring lawn care
